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This scholarship is sponsored by AAEA for an AAEA Member who is PRESENTING at the upcoming NAEA Convention to have their NAEA Convention Registration reimbursed by AAEA. This only covers the initial registration fee and does not cover additional workshop fees. *Applicants must have membership up to date at time of application. 

The number of scholarships available will be determined by the funds available in the AAEA scholarship fund. Part of the funds for this scholarship are raised through the purchase of AAEA Swag at


The scholarship award recipient will register for NAEA Convention and submit their receipt to AAEA President, Amanda Youngblood, and AAEA Treasurer, Sharon Christman, for registration reimbursement. 


Application DUE by November 30, 2024. 

Be sure to read through the provided rubric before submitting the application. 

Application available here: or AAEA Scholarship Application for NAEA Convention Registration


Tammie Clark is the winner of the AAEA Scholarship for NAEA Presenters. She is presenting at the NAEA Convention in Louisville, March 20 - 22. She is presenting "Building Bricks for Digital Photography." 

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Blakeney Wells, Jae Lynn Yerena, and Kenzie Acton 

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2025 Conference

Camp McDowell, Alabama

October 16 - 18, 2025

Scholarship Deadline: TBD


Would you like to attend the Fall Conference? If you are a new teacher, (teaching three years or less) or are a University student, we have a scholarship for you! Please fill out the appropriate Google Form application links below. You will need a letter of reference from a current supervisor. We highly encourage you to reference the rubric links during the application process. If you have any questions, please email

New Member AAEA Application

University Students Application

New Teacher Application

New Member AAEA Rubric

University Students Rubric

New Teacher Rubric


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Art Teacher, Advocate, Friend

Louise B. Marsh was a pioneer in the field of art education serving as one of the first elementary art educators in the Huntsville School system. She, along with Louise Smith, covered every elementary school in Huntsville beginning in the 1960’s. They wrote curriculum and established standards for art programs that lasted for years. Louise, not only developed and taught in the classroom, she was a fierce, outspoken advocate and was never afraid to get political on behalf of the children's art instruction and experience. As a result of her efforts, the elementary program in Huntsville grew and flourished. While others systems in the state were slow to develop, the Huntsville program became a model and set the standards for others to follow. She also practiced what she preached working on her own development as an artist. Her paintings were as bright and uplifting as she was.


Debbie Dempsey West, long-time, art educator remarked, “I remember Louise first as an educator, she was my 6th grade art teacher, and late, as a friend and supporter. Art was her life.” Even after her retirement, despite crippling arthritis, Louise continued to be an active supporter of art teachers, attending meetings, gatherings and art shows, always with an encouraging, loving spirit that touched so many of us. She often wrote notes of encouragement, praise and gratitude especially to young art teachers just entering the profession. Louise had a powerful impact on the art education community in Alabama. Keith Berg, 40 year art educator veteran said it best, “Louise Marsh was an angelic presence of wisdom.” 


Louise passed away in 1994. Soon after, the Louise B. Marsh Scholarship was established in an effort to honor her commitment to excellence and unwavering support of art educators in our state.  


*Each year, AAEA offers scholarships to pre-service art education students & first-time art teachers in Alabama to help them pay to attend the annual AAEA fall conference.  

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